How much auto insurance should I purchase in Virginia?
When you’re making the decision about how much car insurance to purchase, it’s best to over-purchase. The vast majority of auto accident cases are settled for under $100,000. But you do not want to have the case with $200,000 in medical bills and only $100,000 of coverage.
In Virginia, the minimum amount of insurance coverage you can purchase is $25,000 (and many drivers have these cheap policies). Therefore, it is your responsibility to protect yourself by having adequate uninsured/underinsured coverage.
We typically recommend that you purchase at least $300,000 in coverage (per person, not per accident). In addition, even if you have health insurance, we recommend that you purchase at least $5,000 in medical expense payments benefits coverage to help you out with co-pays and deductibles.
If you have any questions about how to read your auto insurance policy or how much insurance coverage is right for you, we are happy to answer those for you.