Children’s Injuries

Child Injury Lawyer in Northern Virginia

There’s nothing worse than watching helplessly as your child suffers from injuries that you can’t fix. If you find yourself in this position, you want an advocate in your corner who can answer the hundreds of questions running through your mind.

By far the biggest concern that we hear from parents is concern for their child’s future. What happens if he never fully recovers? What happens if there is something wrong with her that the doctors cannot diagnose just yet? Our child injury lawyers recognize those concerns.


Children’s Injury Lawyer in Fairfax, VA

We have extensive experience in evaluating injured children’s cases. Both of our attorneys are routinely appointed as guardians ad litem by Courts in Fairfax, Arlington, Alexandria, and Prince William to neutrally evaluate minor’s cases for settlement purposes.

After seeing hundreds of these cases, we are better prepared to investigate and evaluate our own clients’ cases in light of the need for future care or permanency concerns.


We only take on cases we believe in and think we can win. Let us win for you.

No matter what you are going through, we are here to help. Timing is critical, so contact us as soon as possible to tell us what happened.


Law Offices of David L. Marks
10513 Judicial Drive, Suite 204
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-385-1983 fax

Injured? Find out if you have a case.
Arrested? Learn how you can protect yourself.