$125,000 Settlement of Clavicle Injury

This was a Fairfax, Virginia auto accident where our client was an emergency room nurse in her mid-40s who was stopped and waiting to make a left turn into her neighborhood when she was rear-ended by the Defendant. She sustained injury to her collarbone where the clavicular joint was widened slightly. Though this injury was apparent on an MRI, the insurance adjuster who initially evaluated the case believed it was related to an early neck injury she had sustained. The initial offer was $20,000.

We immediately filed suit. Our client was examined by a doctor for the insurance company. That doctor agreed with us – that the injury was caused by the motor vehicle crash. The case was settled about a month prior to trial for $125,000. Of that, $50,000 came from the Defendant’s insurance company (their policy limits) and the remaining $75,000 came from our client’s underinsured motorist company.

$332,500 for Post-Neck Surgery Client in T-Bone Accident

Our client was driving straight through a green light when a truck abruptly made a left turn, on red, directly in front of her in the intersection. The impact of the crash caused serious damage to both vehicles. Our client had undergone a fusion surgery in her neck approximately 8 years before the crash and still suffered from a manageable level of pain at the time of the accident. Of course, this Loudoun, Virginia car crash changed all of that and she had to undergo a revision discectomy and fusion surgery.

$250,000 Settlement for Pedestrian Struck in Crosswalk

Our client was a pedestrian on a military base who was struck by a car, at night, while in a crosswalk. She sustained a broken right fibula with damage to the ankle, as well as a SLAP tear of the right shoudler. During the course of her recovery she underwent multiple surgeries.
This case was pending in the Circuit Court for Arlington County.

$95,000 for 12 Year Old Attacked by Mastiff

Obtained a $95,000 settlement for a young girl who was attacked by a dog outside her neighbors house in Stafford County, Virginia. Our client was walking in the street when the dog, who was not on a leash, ran after her and caught her by the shoulder. Stafford County has a “leash law” that requires dogs who are outside to be under the control of their owners. The settlement was used to pay for an annuity that will hopefully fund this young girl’s college education.


We only take on cases we believe in and think we can win. Let us win for you.

No matter what you are going through, we are here to help. Timing is critical, so contact us as soon as possible to tell us what happened.


Law Offices of David L. Marks
10513 Judicial Drive, Suite 204
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-385-1983 fax

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