7 Documents to Bring to Your First Meeting with an Auto Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident in northern Virginia and are interested in seeing an attorney to pursue your personal injury case, there are several documents that you’ll want to bring to your first meeting with a lawyer, including:

Pictures of your Car and the Accident Scene

It is important in a personal injury case to see pictures of the cars after the crash. Though property damage is not necessarily an indicator of the severity of the crash and the injuries from the crash, insurance companies do use minor property damage to justify lower offers. For most rear-end accidents, the pictures of the scene are not that important. But if your crash happened at an intersection or at a bend in the road, pictures of the scene can give your attorney a good idea of how the crash happened.

Any letters you’ve received from the auto insurance company.

These letters give us the contact information for the other driver’s insurance company as well as the claim number for your case. While most adjusters are careful to use form letters and not to put too much argument into their letters, some will let on in their writing that the insurance company is not taking your case seriously. Your personal injury lawyer needs to know that from the beginning of the case.

A copy the declarations page from your own car insurance policy.

This document will tell us whether you have MedPay on your policy and what the uninsured/underinsured motorist limits are, in case you need them.

A list of all medical providers you’ve seen for the crash.

So that your Fairfax auto accident lawyer knows where to send the medical records requests.

Any medical bills that you’ve received as a result of the crash.

A list of any doctors that you’ve seen previously for similar injuries.

The accident report.

We can track down the police report after a crash if you don’t have one. If your auto accident was in Fairfax, a police report can be obtained from the police department.

This list is not all-inclusive but bringing the documents we’ve listed will let you begin to tell the story of your accident case and give your attorney and his staff a start in collecting all of the relevant documents to get to the insurance company in an effort to settle your case.


We only take on cases we believe in and think we can win. Let us win for you.

No matter what you are going through, we are here to help. Timing is critical, so contact us as soon as possible to tell us what happened.


Law Offices of David L. Marks
10513 Judicial Drive, Suite 204
Fairfax, VA 22030
703-385-1983 fax

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